Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Erecting your Aluminium Greenhouse – For the reluctant DIY’er and competent handyman

We have all been there, you finally take the plunge and order your brand new greenhouse and wait expectantly for it to arrive. Better still you can save a lot of money if you put your aluminium greenhouse up yourself. Finally the big day comes and you want to get started right away so you can start filling it with all your lovely plugs, pots, plants, and seedlings....but wait! First read this for the best guide to erecting your 4x4, 6x4, 6x6 or 6x8 greenhouse quickly and efficiently....the first time.

Ok, I’ll start with the obvious ones, they may sound simple but get these wrong and you may find yourself pulling your hair out.

Choose a site that is as sheltered as you can get for your plot, gale force winds are not your greenhouses friend! The shelter will also keep the temperature up inside your greenhouse at your most important times in spring and autumn

Your best bet is to locate your greenhouse so you can fit all the way around it so that you can keep the panels clean, if it’s next to a path make sure you leave space to fit through with a wheelbarrow

Clear any overhanging branches and avoid growth overhead where possible. This will prevent leaves clogging your gutters, sap and insects dirtying your panels, and allow the maximum amount of light and warmth into your greenhouse

Get your base area ready, it needs to be nice and flat (use a spirit level) and if you are digging a foundation you can do this beforehand. To make sure your base is square rather than a parallelogram measure across the diagonals, these should be equal
Some people put down a stone, brick or wooden foundation to screw the base into for extra wind protection

If you are tight on space erect your greenhouse and base where you have plenty of room. Without the panels you will then be able to lift it to its correct location

Aluminuim polycarbonate greenhouse
Make sure you erect your greenhouse on a calm day, trying to fit panels in any kind of breeze will just make everything more difficult

When you open your box make sure you have all the correct bits

Read the instructions carefully, and then read them again!

Have a helper on hand, even a confident DIY’er will need a second pair of hands at some point

Make sure you have given yourself enough time to build your greenhouse. Some of our customers can do it in 4 hours others take a couple of days. To give yourself the best chance start early in the morning to reduce the chance of having to leave it mid way (and letting nature have a go at it!)

That’s all I’ve got time for right now but good luck and have fun. I’ll be back with the next stage of putting your greenhouse up next month

The next installment is up, just click here to go straight to it, hope you like it