Thursday, 6 November 2014

Why convex mirrors are such an important addition to your driveway

Your driveway can be equipped with convex mirrors in order to keep you, your family and your visitors safe. Read on to find out more.

When you are fitting out your driveway you’ll be thinking about whether to pave it, gravel it or tarmac it. You may also wonder about adding certain aesthetic features such as pot plants or climbing plants. But people overlook the safety features of their driveway and this is a big mistake. Your driveway sees a lot of traffic coming to the house and leaving the house, and it is really important that you equip your driveway with vital safety features in order to keep you, your family and your visitors safe. Of all these safety features, the most critical one is to think about convex mirrors

What are convex mirrors?
Convex Safety Mirror

Convex mirrors are fitted to the side of the road by your driveway in order to enable you to see round corners when you are arriving at or leaving the house. Convex mirrors are designed so that the glass is bent allowing you to see more than you would with a standard mirror. Convex mirrors are available in a variety of sizes so that it is easy to find the perfect design for your driveway. Installing one of these mirrors is the very best way to ensure that you, your family and your visitors can come and go without being at risk of accident. They will also help to protect your car from bumps and scratches as you come and go

Where should I put my mirror?

You should mount your convex mirror in a place that enables you to see around the corners when you are coming out of your driveway. People who live on a bend in a road will find this safety feature especially useful as they come and go. Find a tree or a fence panel where you can mount the mirror and ensure that it is firmly fixed to avoid it falling off or coming loose. Test out the position by experimenting when you reverse out of the driveway. Can you see the cars coming around the corner?

How should I care for my convex mirror?

Convex mirrors are very easy to maintain and they require little attention in order to remain effective, however they will benefit from a wipe-down with a smear-free detergent from time to time. That’s all you need to do to keep your mirror in tip-top condition!

If you’d like to find out more simply give the professionals at SpeedwellStar a call, or alternatively visit their website to browse their extensive range